Sepahan Machine Torabi Co. Torabi Machinery has started to work in 1983 with aim of manufacturing and installation of manufacturing factory of brick pottery. This Industrial Unit in order to reach its goals has drawn many vast researches in different phases of design of product, production line, making the equipment & mechanization of the production procedure, and after selling services that the result of these efforts is supplying the products to more than 112 unit of producing brick pottery and the list of the customers is mentioned in the customers list. Until previous decades products and services supplied by organizations, more than being conformed to the needs of the customer was because of mind of engineers who have designed them. In other words the role of customer in many of the parts was just as a satisfied customer or user, but today because of being competitive of the markets, ruining commercial borders, globalization of economy and at last elevating the level of expectation and obligations of the customers attention and importance of needs and obligations of the customers have been raised up. The appearance of this new matter in procedure of business for many of the organizations that are still dealing with the old rules is an important threat and for the companies who according to the good structure of their organization conform themselves each day with the needs of their customer is a gold possibility and these cases are all the time by the vision of Torabi Machinery. The quality of the products and the cost of the consumption of energy for the use in products are the 2 elements that all the time improvement of them will improve the satisfaction of the customer.
Torabi Co. has started to cooperation with Keller HCW and Morando WS from 2009 as agency and has stablished a full automatic production line in Esfahan for Sepeher Sofal Co. with these two company's machinery.
Sepeher Sofal company is a biggest brick producer in Iran and has a good market in Iran and also for export. They are able produce more than 1200 ton of any type of bricks per day. Torabi Machinery in the continuity of development of its operation according to the support of Development & Researches of Industries of Iran Organization of the Internal Industries in order to improve the structure of the production of producers, in the first step has established the system of Quality Management of ISO 9001-2000 with the help of Development & Renovation Organization. We hope that according to the success in this direction we have had an effective pace in the Industry of brick pottery and in the consumption of energy in our country.